The story goes something like this. When Amy was about eight years old she desperately wanted to learn guitar. She was already truely ready to sing as the family often spent time with friends every year who were mad Karaoke singers. So in grade three off went The Old Man and Daughter to her first Guitar lesson. This was the beginning of their musical journey. Amy had her first lesson and The Old Man was off to the shop to buy his first guitar. It was not long, and The Old Man was looking for places to go where Amy could experience country music. Tamworth Country Music Festival was the first stop. Back then Amy had a pink guitar gifted to her from her Grandfather which was way to big for her at the time. The family had no idea about the music industry and where it would take this family but The Old Man was super supportive to help her daughter reach her dreams.
​Andrew and Amy ventured off to a little festival near Gladstone called Boyne Valley Country Music Festival. Here they signed up for the walkup performances and Amy loved it. They met a fella called Graham Howle and Amy's Old man and Graham became friends. Graham and Amy sat down at the festival, Amy was about 10 years old and Graham asked her some questions about her father, Andrew, The Old Man. Not long and they had a song about Andrew, The Old Man. Below is the lyrics, which will tell you a little about Amy's Old Man.
​The Boyne Valley Festival was the first in which Amy was invited to play. This is one of the moments that many supportive people like Graham helped Amy and Andrew to learn about the music industry. So now the family's love of road trips have turned into adventures to, at and home from music festivals. Since Andrew, "The Old Man started with the guitar he has done pretty well for himself. Originally a poet, Andrew has written many songs, recorded and released his first Album, (many receiving recognition and awards) joined a Country Rock Band and is loving his new found hobby. If you want to know more about Andrew you can find him on Facebook, Instagram and listen and Spotify.

My Dad he 's in love with me
I'm a higher branch on our family tree
Keeps a hold on me with invisible string
Me and my dad we've got this thing
My dad has got a heart of gold
He shows me the way as he's gettin old
My dad just sings our songs
Laughing and livin just getting along
My Dad yeah My Old Man
He's half the reason I'm who I am
My dad yeah my Old Boy
He drives me crazy and he brings me joy
My Dad My Old Man
Dad likes rum but its making him fat
but he still looks cool in his cowboy hat
He sings out loud when he's drivin along
My Old Man can do no wrong